the home of Dr. Brian and Castlefield Chiropractic

Maximized Living Makeover

Have you registered for our Maximized Living Makeover event? For a limited time only, registration fee is $57.. and that price is going up to $77 after this Wednesday!

One Saturday can change your life forever… why not do it THIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2ND? It’s from 9 am to 1 pm at Best Western Roehampton (808 Mount Pleasant Road).

What is a Maximized Living Makeover? Watch!

Makeover Testimonials


Become the 1 in 1,000 person who is healthy, pain-free, and living the life they were meant to live after 60

Essential #1:  Maximized Mind

Overcome your limiting beliefs as to why you can’t lose weight.

Essential #2:  Maximized Nerve Supply

Learn what controls all functions of health and healing.

Essential #3:  Maximized Nutrients

Learn cutting-edge nutritional secrets to personalize your diet based on your specific hormones and cellular function. Beat aging and get 10X MORE ENERGY!

Essential #4:  Maximized Oxygen & Lean

See results with effective exercise that only takes twelve minutes per week.

Essential #5:  Minimized Exposure to Toxins

Learn the Toxic Top 5 and how they effect you and your family

Filed under: Maximized Living Makeover

Office Closed: Thursday, September 16th

Dr. Brian is going away to a training camp! The office is closed this Thursday, September 16th. So if you haven’t got a chance to reschedule yet — do it now and call us today!

Filed under: Office closed

Happy Birthday, Chiropractic!

Do you want to be part of our life-changing Maximized Living Makeover… for free? For every person you refer for Patient Appreciation Day, you get a free ticket to our event! Your referral is a great gift to Chiropractic, and this is our way of thanking you!

Filed under: Patient Appreciation Day

The First Ever Dinner with the Doc!

Last night was the first ever, “Dinner with the Doc” and it was very successful! A total of 47 people showed up to learn more about how to optimize their health.

After Dr. Brian made a 20 minute presentation, all the patients and their guests enjoyed the delicious foods prepared by Alleycatz.

The next Dinner with the Doc will be on MONDAY, OCTOBER 18TH at Alleycatz again! So if you didn’t get a chance to bring your guest last night, try again for next month!

More photos up soon!

Filed under: Dinner with the Doc

Dr. Brian on the Maximized Living Training Seminar

Dr. Brian was away from August 19th to 22nd for a Maximized Living Training Seminar in Florida, and here are his experiences:

I thought summer was hot here in Toronto, but it’s 96 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity through the roof in Florida! It’s great to be around a group who’s primary focus is to change the way healthcare is viewed and delivered around the world. There were around 1000 people in attendance, including doctors and their staff.

Here were some of the interesting points from the seminar:

– They gave updates as to the Maximized Living hospital in Zimbabwe. They have been opened for 3 months now and in the seminar, they showed video testimonials from patients there and how it’s changing their lives.  There was a video of the lead medical doctor who is amazed with the results they are already seeing by addressing the 5 essentials and not just using medications.

– Maximized Living is the official Wellness Advisory Council and chiropractors for USA Wrestling Weight Lifting and Judo teams and will be traveling with them to the Olympics in 2011.

– Over 500,000 people have now been through the Maximized Living Makeover program. The goal is to get this information to a million people by 2011 when Maximized Living travels to Olympics in London.

There were a lot of updates on the scheme and protocols that we will bring to our community through advanced workshops and the Maximized Living Makeover program. So make sure you get signed up for them and encourage the people you care for to come and learn to improve their lives too.

Filed under: Doctor Says

Advanced Workshop: Beating Heart Disease

We have an advanced workshop coming up on Wednesday, September 8th at 7:00 pm on BEATING HEART DISEASE!

Do you know that heart disease kills 1 out of every 2 people? Is this something you want to prevent? Do you want to correct your heart issues right now?

If so, talk to Camile at the front desk or sign up by calling us at 416-487-6300 to reserve your spot.

Feel free to bring a guest that you feel can benefit from this workshop! Only 10 spots left!

Filed under: Advanced workshops

Dinner with the Doc

For the first time ever, Dr. Brian is bringing Dinner with the Doc to our lovely patients at Castlefield Chiropractic!

All you have to do is to bring a guest (or many) and you and your guests will get a free dinner on us! Dr. Brian will take 15-20 minutes to share the secret to healing with your guests and then you can enjoy the delicious foods and mingle with the other patients as well.

Prior to the dinner, you can choose 4 choices: penne alla vodka, vegetarin fusilli, grilled chicken breast and grilled salmon. You can make your selection with us.

Alleycatz also offered a special bonus where all the patients and their guests can get free salsa lessons after the dinner!

How do you sign up? You can call us at: 416-487-6300 and reserve your spot and your guest(s), or book it through Eva/Camile at the front desk.

Filed under: Dinner with the Doc

Our long weekend starts… tomorrow!

A few things before we start our 4-day long weekend:

– The office is closed tomorrow because Dr. Brian is going away to a training seminar in Florida. He’ll update us with his experiences as he joins other chiropractors to train on Maximized Living Makeover that weekend.

– Patient Appreciation Day was a success! People were enjoying fabulous maximized living approved snacks and drinks and we totaled 7 new patients coming in to get their free spinal check up today!  Remember to keep coming back for more details on our upcoming advanced workshop, “Beating Heart Disease” and then for the first time ever, we’re starting our monthly Dinner with the Doc – all happening in September!

– We’re trying to expand our Facebook network. So please add us on  and join our Castlefield Chiropractic Facebook page!

– We’re also using now! Follow Dr. Brian for personal news, health tips and event updates happening around the clinic!

Filed under: Advanced workshops, Dinner with the Doc, Maximized Living Makeover, Office closed, Patient Appreciation Day

Dr. Brian… is going online!

Castlefield Chiropractic is taking online to the next level!

We have a new mission to create an online community for our patients (and potential newcomers), so you will always be up to speed on new health issues, events going on around the clinic and get more of an in-depth look into Dr. Brian’s journey as a chiropractor!

Our vision is to inform and connect other people to a maximized healthy life, and now, we’ll do it through blogging, webisodes, Twitter and Facebook.

So remember to keep coming back for new content!

Filed under: Uncategorized

August’s Patient Appreciation Day

Tomorrow is our monthly Patient Appreciation Day! Bring in a guest and get a full spinal checkup for free!

Filed under: Patient Appreciation Day

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May 2024
